Saturday, October 21, 2023

Found Footage Yellow Eyed Creature


Warning What You're About To See Might Be Disturbing. For Immediate Public Release. Control Is Confirming Reports About A Found Footage Just Released.. The Footage Purportedly Shows A Man Walking Into A Cave. Location: Unknown. Then He Dissappears. At About 30 seconds into the video, a creature appears briefly. And the video cuts into what appears to be the exit of the cave. The Video apparatus appears to be lying on the floor. Today Control Has Confirmed That several Clairvoyants have been seen this Horrible Creature. In a lapse duration of 3 seconds. It Appears That This Creature Is Huge, Has Big Staring Eyes And His Eyes Have A Big Separation Between Each Other Indicating A Huge Face And Body. The Clairvoyants Have Confirmed That The Eyes Were Motionless In A Big Stare. Control's Conclusions: If It Is Extraterrestrial It Crashed a couple years ago and is manifesting itself now. This Creature has the ability to project itself using strong mental waves. That's when the Clairvoyants picked him up. "What we're dealing here is one Extraterrestrial Entity spooked or Distressed that landed or crashed" Either way we must be vigilant, Since these entities are the kind that thru mental commands can hypnotize and dumb their prey. They like cold and humid environments. They might be feeding on humans.

PLEACE READ! The yellow eyes and the black figure.

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