Wednesday, June 27, 2018

After the Hurricane: We Don't Rebuild, We Transform | Carmen Yulín Cruz | TEDxPittsburgh

Carmen Yulín Cruz, the mayor of San Juan, Puerto Rico shares her first hand account of the aftermath of the disaster situation of Hurricane Maria. The Mayor's idea on what to do after the storm centers on doing more than rebuilding what was there previously, rather, to focus on making structures (both physical and community) stronger than ever before. She does this while also paying respect to those who were lost. Born in San Juan, Puerto Rico, Carmen Yulín Cruz is a graduate of the Boston University (CAS'84) and Carnegie Mellon University (MSPPM'86). Mayor of San Juan since 2012, Yulín (as she prefers to be called) is an active advocate for equality, fighting for the LGBTT community, the deaf community, and children with functional diversity as well as those who have struggled with gender-based violence. She is also a champion for the rights of immigrants. Her vision of public service is one of governing not for the people, but with the people. On September 20, 2017, Hurricane María completely devastated Puerto Rico. Yulín became a strong advocate for getting much needed help and dignified care for the people of Puerto Rico. As a result of her relentless efforts, numerous non-governmental organizations and private companies supported the recovery efforts for San Juan and the rest of Puerto Rico. As a result of her tireless commitment to the people of San Juan and Puerto Rico in this humanitarian crisis, Yulín has received various recognitions and awards, including the Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Change Humanitarian Leadership Award in 2018, the Antonio Villaraigosa Leadership Award in 2018, and the AIDS Healthcare Foundation Humanitarian Award 2017. She was also nominated by People en Español as one of the 50 Most Powerful Women in 2017, and chosen by TIME Magazine as candidate for Person of the Year in 2017 (and selected by TIME as one of the most influential people of 2018). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at

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